Aldgate Village Well

54 Strathalbyn Rd,

Aldgate SA 5154

Phone: (08) 8339 6286

Wednesday, 12th March 2025

We are trialling the SoundCloud platform as a way of sharing Sunday's messages.

To access Sunday's readings and messages, please go to

Look under 'Tracks' and the latest messages will be available.

Thank you for continuing patience (if you have tried to access and haven't been able to) and welcome if you are new to this website. We hope you too find here what you are looking for . . .

Saturday, 25th July 2020

Verity and Anthony consider the ways in which the wisdom of God is a gift which is always offered, and the kingdom of heaven may be missed by our first glance. But when we ask, we may receive, and when we look further, we discover the richness of the kingdom of heaven affects everything we are.

The two books Anthony quotes through the offering of communion are by Malcolm Guite, "Sounding the Seasons" and "The Singing Bowl". Both available through Amazon and Book Depository.

If you have found the online services of use and believe they will be of benefit to you in the future, please let us know.  You may contact Anthony or Verity directly, or email

Saturday, 18th July 2020

Taking it as read, "Thus says the Lord, the King of Israel, and his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts: I am the first and I am the last; besides me there is no god.” Isaiah 44:6 (NRSV) then, we are left with an interesting conversation regarding the presence of the weeds among the wheat. (Matthew 13:24 ff). How is that the enemy is allowed so close to impact the field of wheat? Will the weed not have a negative impact on the wheat? Or, is it possible that the weed and the wheat occupy the same soil and in time the quality of the soil will decide which survives . . .

Saturday, 11th July 2020

It has been said, how we understand God’s nature decides the way we live our life. Verity and Anthony explore the ways of God’s desire for generosity through familiar images, stories and parables.


(Please note: due to technical changes, the video is late being posted, and the quality of the sound will be different.  There are also no hymns recorded for this service.  Please receive this as an opportunity to pause the video as you choose, and sing, play and enjoy the hymns of your choosing.)


Thursday, 2nd July 2020

Last week, Verity spoke of spiritual companions (although we think this occurred after filming stopped!) . . . it might be wise to attend to these questions: Who are spiritual companions? and, what function or role do they have in our lives?

Click the link below to join us for our service, premiering at 8 am, Saturday 4th of July

Friday, 26th June 2020

As we slowly return to being together, we discover there is much to share with each other.  Stories, anecdotes, lessons, movement of faith, wonders of God.  We converse with one another as a continuing practice of speaking, hearing and listening.  Verity and Anthony offer this same expression of conversation as they reflect on the passages for this Sunday.  They continue with the questions offered by Dr Aaron Chalmers;

What does this passage reveal to us about God?  His nature, his purposes, his will for humanity?

What does this passage reveal to us about the nature and vocation of the people of God?

What does this passage reveal that might shape me as an individual follower of Jesus?

May you continue the conversation . . .

Click the link below to join us for our service, premiering at 8am, Saturday 27th of June

Saturday, 20th June 2020

Following Jesus can lead us into difficult places.  Places where we have to make decisions about our life, about what we will and will not do, where we will speak and not speak.  And it will be hard.  While the peace we are offered can not be taken away, we will find ourselves challenged to ’stay the course’. Perhaps being faithful with Jesus is a constant opportunity for discovering and understanding what it means to ‘follow him’, even if there is heartache and pain.

Click the link below to join us for our service, premiering at 8am, Saturday 20th of June

Saturday, 13th June 2020

The Austrian poet, Rainer Maria Rilke, once wrote:
“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.”
We are continually invited into a place where it is not the knowing of answers which is important, but our willing capacity to live the questions themselves.  Today, we attend to Scripture in the asking of questions, “What does this passage reveal to us about God?  His nature, his purposes, his will for humanity?”

“What does this passage reveal to us about the nature and vocation of the people of God?”  “What does this passage reveal that might shape me as an individual follower of Jesus?”  Live the questions . . . the answers may arrive in surprising, disturbing and engaging ways . . .

Click the link below to join us for our service

Friday, 5th June 2020

We enter into a new season, with the Church stepping out, having experienced the joy and fullness of the Holy Spirit, now (re)learning a way of life.  It is the same for this generation as it has been for all those in the past.  We (re)learn how God calls for us, compels us, desires his people to live.  In a conversation today, Verity and Anthony (re)discover the meaning in knowing the nature of God and how we are deeply affected as God’s people.

Click the link below to join us for our service, premiering at 8am, Saturday 6th of June

Saturday, 30th May 2020

Pentecost Sunday ... this is the season we step into the awareness of the Holy Spirit  blowing through our hearts and our lives. This power of God comes to us behind closed doors, compelling us to remember the faithfulness of God ... a power for newness, a creative power of joy, hope and steadfast love. How will we experience the Holy Spirit's power among us ...

Be with God ...

Click the link below to join us for our service, premiering at 8am, Sunday 24th of May

Saturday, 23rd May 2020

Sometimes, sneaking a pick at the end of a novel gives us a glimpse into the author's intentions. What if, instead of asking for a sneak peek, we simply stayed with the author's pace and timing? What if, instead of looking for "what comes next" we gave ourselves to prayer and readied our hearts and minds for a power and purpose we had not anticipated?

Click the link below to join us for our service, premiering at 8am, Sunday 24th of May

Saturday, 16th May 2020

What if we were not as separate and ‘apart’ as we sometimes feel, think, believe?  What if, the unity we share is not about all being the same; what if our ’together-ness’ is a reality running far deeper than common ideals, ways of life, patterns of speech?  What, there is one Creator of us all . . .

Click the link below to join us for our service, premiering at 8am, Sunday 17th of May

Saturday, 9th May 2020

Creative Arts Minister Verity Riessen explores the darkened rooms of life. These are spaces of uncertainty, grief, fragility and broken ness.  Moments of deep confrontation. Places we do not long to go.  Where is the Spirt of God in the darkened room? Is Wisdom only found in the cracks of light or does She create life within the shadows?

Click the link below to join us for our service, premiering at 8am, Sunday 10th of May

Saturday, 2nd May 2020

There is a simplicity in hearing the voice of the Shepherd who calls to us and welcomes us home.  In our lives, we may find ourselves confronted with many options - other voices speaking to us, other people coercing us, and maybe even the reality that we are not so helpful to others in allowing them to listen to the voice of the Shepherd.
Take heart; the deep truth is unwavering; Jesus is both Gate and Shepherd, the One who calls us home and the One who welcomes us when we arrive.  

Click the link below to join us for our service, premiering at 8am, Sunday 3rd of May

Sunday, 26th April 2020

In a time when isolation and disconnection could be the dominant ways of life, we are finding that it is possible for people to be connected in ways they hadn’t thought possible.

The disciples who are making their way to Emmaus could have been experiencing their own isolation and disconnection.  

And then into their midst comes a stranger who connects them with deep truth . . .

Maybe it is a timely opportunity for you to find again the connection with Scripture, with fellowship, with table hospitality, with a stranger . . . to find connection again with yourself . .

Click the link below to join us for our service, premiering at 8am, Sunday 26th of April

Saturday, 18th April 2020

What is like to wait for an experience? An experience others have enjoyed, which is now shaping their very lives . . . while you wait for it all to make sense for you.  “Waiting behind closed doors” seems an apt description of life for many of us at the moment.  Perhaps, like the disciples and like Thomas, this can a place of patient waiting and expectation . . . knowing that even here and now, Jesus Christ is among us, saying “Peace be with you.”

Click the link below to join us for our service, premiering at 8am, Sunday 19th of April.

Saturday, 11th April 2020

A resurrection Sunday service offering hope in newness, as we celebrate Jesus being raised from the dead.

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!

Be with God...

Thursday, 9th April 2020

In this season, we are able to be together, even when we are apart. We offer a reflective service for Good Friday. Readings and reflections offered by Mark Stevens, Verity Riessen and Anthony Risson.

With thanks to Andrew Bowden for recording and preparing the service.

Click the link below to view the Good Friday Service.

Tuesday, 25th February 2020

27 - 29 March 2020

Cath Connelly is a Spiritual Director, Retreat Leader and one of the world's finest Celtic harpers.  Her music sits in liminal space where music meets spirituality.

Join us for 3 separate events... come to one, come to all!

Friday 27th  7-9pm  PUBLIC LECTURE  "Hope Beyond a Disintegrating World"    $10 includes supper  Book Tickets

Saturday 28th  10am - 5pm  RETREAT DAY  "Praying it Forward:  Emerging Hope and Our Role as Ancestors of the Future"  $50  Morning Tea and Lunch included  RSVP Fri 20/3  Book Tickets

Saturday 28th  7-9pm  HARP CONCERT  Celtic sounds and stories.  $20 admission  $15 students/seniors  Under 16 free  Book tickets or at the door

See Cath's Website  

Tuesday, 25th February 2020

Saturday 2 May 2020 from 5pm

At Aldgate Village Well,  54 Strathalbyn Road, Aldgate  SA

Come and enjoy a tasty meal, a great time of fellowship, listen to a great guest speaker (David Turrell, CEO of 1079 Life Adelaide)  and hear about exciting projects done in 2019 throughout Australia and overseas.

You will be supporting MMM to continue projects to "serve those who are serving".

Tickets:  $49

RSVP: or Jane on 0432 253 588 by Saturday 25 April.


Tuesday, 25th February 2020

Connecting with community |  Connecting with work  |  Connecting with hope

Our Community Meal nights are on hold for now.  Seeking someone interested and available to coordinate.  

Contact the office on 8339 6286 if your are interested.

Tuesday, 20th November 2018

The Village Well meal nights gave part proceeds to help drought affected farmers in Australia during Aug to October.

Total funds raised at the Village Well were $1,700 which was distributed via the Sisters of Charity in Dubbo.

Thank you to everyone who helped make a difference for the families there.



Tuesday, 5th June 2018



Christmas in May

Saturday 26 May 2018 from 7pm

For more deails click here

Thursday, 8th March 2018

You can see what's coming up on the news page, view our premises and contact us if you'd like to hire the building for a function, or listen to the last of Anthony's Sunday Messages via a podcast.

We hope you enjoy it.